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Decolonial Futures opens a call for applications for Scholars in Residence for the academic year 2024-2025

The Decolonial Futures Research Priority Area offers funding for Research Fellows. We invite scholars to come to the University of Amsterdam (UvA), present work and develop their ideas and projects in conversation with staff located in one of our three contributing faculties. Scholars should aim to visit the UvA for a period of 1-2 months between November 2024 and June 2025.  

About the programme 

The Decolonial Futures Research Priority Area establishes collaborations on decolonial research across the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and the Amsterdam Law School. The RPA understands ‘coloniality’ as a form of power that emerged in the modern period to determine how people are categorized, how power and wealth are distributed, and how social exclusion takes place. 

What sort of applications fit within this call? 

The call is open in terms of decolonial research themes but we particularly encourage submissions which substantively speak to two of the three themes of the RPA: 

  • Museums, archives & cultural practices (e.g., how to deal with demands to restitute art objects acquired through colonial exploits and with contentious monuments?) 

  • Migrations, mobility & borders (e.g., how to account for the role of colonial histories and neocolonial exploits in motivating and directing migratory movements and border control policies?) 

  • Ecology, sustainability & climate change (e.g., how to establish a just system of climate reparations?) 

Who can apply? 

We welcome applications from scholars in possessing of a PhD. We particularly welcome and encourage applications from scholars working in or hailing from colonised and formerly colonised regions of the world. Applicants should have established a connection with an institute, centre or colleague within one of our three participating faculties at the UvA.   

How do I apply? 

Submit a 750-word proposal which addresses the following items: 

  • Rationale for the proposed visit, specifically identifying the proposed contribution to decolonial research at the UvA, the Amsterdam public and beyond 
  • Research objectives  
  • Workplan, including proposed events, workplace collaborations, teaching contributions etc. 
  • (If relevant) any co-financing available for the visit 

In addition to these items, please include a CV of the guest scholar, and a letter of recommendation from the host institute at the UvA or researcher at the UvA.  

What we offer 

For subsistence, the RPA will provide and cover your accommodation in Amsterdam, as well as a lumpsum to cover living costs. On top of the lumpsum, fellows can also claim travel costs of maximally 500 Euros for fellows from Europe and of maximally 1500 Euros for fellows outside of Europe. We also offer assistance in paying for and obtaining visas to facilitate the stay. Please check before applying how long it could take to get your visa, and plan your visit accordingly (you can use this website for an estimate, but let us know of any circumstances that might cause additional difficulties). 

You must ensure you have taken out adequate insurance for your visit to Amsterdam.  

When should I apply? 

Please send your applications to with the subject line ‘Decolonial Futures Fellows Application’ by 30 September 2024.